sábado, 30 de julio de 2016

14 Lines From Love Letters Or Suicide Notes/ 14 lineas de cartas de amor o notas suicidas POR DOC LUBEN [lyrics]

1. Don’t freak out.

2. We both know this has been coming for a long time.

3. I have been staying awake at nights, wondering if I should tell you.

4. I bought the kind of crackers you like. They are in the hall cupboard.

5. Now that we have watched all the episodes of True Blood, I do not know what else to do next.

6. I have just been too afraid for too long.

7. This is the kind of thing where waiting for the time to be right would just mean waiting forever; it’s the kind of thing no one else can help you decide.

8. I came home on Thursday and found all of the chairs in the house stacked in a pile in the center of my kitchen; I don’t know how long they have been like that, but it must have been me that did it. It is the kind of thing a ghost might do, to prove to the living he is still there. I am haunting my own apartment.

9. My grandmother was still alive when I was five years old and she told me to check if the iron was hot enough yet, so I pressed my hand against it, and it was red and screaming for hours. Twenty five years later she would still sometimes apologize, in the middle of conversations, I feel so bad about making you touch the iron, she would say, as though it had just happened. I cannot imagine how we forgive ourselves for all of the things we didn’t say until it was too late. But how else do you tell if something is hot but to touch it?

10. I imagine my furniture in your apartment.  

11. I wonder how many likes it will get on facebook.

12. My dad always used to tell the same joke, but I can’t remember the punch line.

13. I was eight years old and it took three weeks (three eight year old weeks— imagine) to gather everything I needed to be Batman. Rope, boomerangs, a mardi gras mask with the beads cut off. I couldn’t find a cave near my house, so I buried them all in a bundle under the ivy. Four years after,
I tried to find that spot again.
          The ivy grew too fast.
              I searched in so many spots
it seemed impossible I had missed any.
But I never found it.
How can something be there
       and then just not be there?
         How do we forgive ourselves
             for all the things we did not become?

14. I was never bold enough to buy bright green sheets. I wanted them, but  always thought they were too brash, even with no one but me to see them. I bought a set yesterday and put them on the bed. I knew that you would like them. 

When love arrives. Cuando el amor llega.


I knew exactly what Love looked like in 7th grade
Even though I hadn’t met Love yet, if Love had wandered into my home room I would have recognized him at first glance – Love wore a hemp necklace.
I would have recognized her at first glance – Love wore a tight French braid.
Love played acoustic guitar, and knew all my favorite Beatles’ songs.
Love wasn’t afraid to ride the bus with me.
And I knew I just must be searching the wrong class room, just must be checking the wrong hallway.
She was there, I was sure of it.
If only I could find him.
But when Love finally showed up – she had a bull cut!
He wore the same clothes everyday for a week.
Love hated the bus.
Love didn’t know anything about the Beatles.
Instead, every time I tried to kiss Love, our teeth got in the way!!!
Love became the reason I lied to my parents. I’m going to Ben’s house.
Love had terrible rhythm on the dance floor but made sure we never miss a slow song.
Love waited by the phone because she knew if her father picked up that’d be “Hello”… “Hh..” Hello?” “Hh…” “I guess I’d hang up.”
And Love grew.
Stretched like a trampoline.
Love changed.
Love disappeared, slowly, like baby teeth.
Loosing parts of me I thought I needed.
Love vanished.
Like an amateur magician everyone could see the trapdoor but me.
Like a flat tire – there were other places I had planned on going.
But my plan didn’t matter.
Love stayed away for years.
And when Love finally reappeared, I barely recognized him.
Love smells different now, had darker eyes.
A broader back, Love came with freckles that I didn’t recognize.
New birth mark – a softer voice.
Now there were new sleeping patterns.
New favorite books.
Love had songs that reminded him of someone else.
Songs Love didn’t like to listen to, so did I.
But we found a park bench that fit us perfectly.
We found jokes that make us laugh.
And now Love makes me fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies.
(But Love will probably finish most of them for a midnight snack.)
Love looks great in lingerie but still likes to wear her retainer.
Love is a terrible driver, but a great navigator.
Love knows where she’s going, it just might take her two hours longer than she planned. :<
Love is messier now.
Love is simple.
Love uses the word boobs in front of my parents!
Love chews too loud.
Love leaves the cap off the toothpaste.
Love uses a smiley face in her text messages.
And turns out… Love shits. :]
But Love also cries;
And Love will tell you “You are beautiful”, and mean it.
Over and over again.
You are beautiful.”
When you first wake up, “You are beautiful.”When you’ve just been crying, “You are beautiful.”When you don’t wanna hear it, “You are beautiful.”When you don’t believe it, “You are beautiful.”When nobody else will tell you, “You are beautiful.”Love still thinks, “You are beautiful.”But Love is not perfect and will sometimes forget.
When you need to hear it most, “You are beautiful.”
Do not forget this.
Love is not who you were expecting.
Love is not what you can predict.
Maybe Love is in New York City already asleep.
You are in California, Australia, wide awake.
Maybe Love is always in the wrong time-zone.Maybe Love is not ready for you.
Maybe you are not ready for Love.
Maybe Love just isn’t the marrying type.
Maybe the next time you see Love is 20 years after the divorce.
Love looks older now but just as beautiful as you remember.
Maybe Love is only there for a month.
Maybe Love is there for every firework. Every birthday party. Every hospital visit.
Maybe Love stays. Maybe Love can’t. Maybe Love shouldn’t.
Love arrives exactly when Love is supposed to and Love leaves exactly when Love must.
When Love arrives, say, “Welcome. Make yourself comfortable.”If Love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her.
Turn off the music. Listen to the quiet.
Whisper, “Thank you for stopping by.”
-Sarah Kay & Phil Kaye

viernes, 29 de julio de 2016

10 respuestas a la frase "Sé un hombre/No seas marica". GUANTE


1. Fuck you.

2. If you want to question my masculinity, like a schoolyard circle of curses, like a swordfight with lightsaber erections, save your breath. Because contrary to what you may believe, not every problem can be solved by “growing a pair.” You can’t arm-wrestle your way out of chemical depression. The CEO of the company that just laid you off does not care how much you bench. And I promise, there is no lite beer in the universe full-bodied enough to make you love yourself.

3. Man up? Oh that’s that new superhero, right? Mild-mannered supplement salesman Mark Manstrong says the magic words “MAN UP,” and then transforms into THE FIVE O’CLOCK SHADOW, the massively-muscled, deep-voiced, leather-duster-wearing super-man who defends the world from, I don’t know, feelings.

4. Of course. Why fight to remove our chains, when we can simply compare their lengths? Why step outside the box, when the box has these bad-ass flame decals on it? We men are cigarettes: dangerous, and poisonous, and stupid.

5. You ever notice how nobody ever says “woman up?” They just imply it. Because women and the women's movement figured out a long time ago that being directly ordered around by commercials, magazines and music is dehumanizing. When will men figure that out? 

6. The phrase “Man Up” suggests that competence and perseverance are uniquely masculine traits. That women—not to mention any man who doesn’t eat steak, drive a pickup truck, have lots of sex with women—are nothing more than background characters, comic relief, props. More than anything, though, it suggests that to be yourself—whether you, wear skinny jeans, listen to Lady Gaga, rock a little eyeliner, drink some other brand of light beer, or write poetry—will cost you.

7. How many boys have to kill themselves before this country acknowledges the problem? How many women have to be assaulted? How many trans people have to be murdered? We teach boys how to wear the skin of a man, but we also teach them how to raise that skin like a flag and draw blood for it.

8. Boy babies get blue socks. Girl babies get pink socks. What about purple? What about orange, yellow, chartreuse, cerulean, black, tie-dyed, buffalo plaid, rainbow…

9. I want to be free, to express myself. Man up. I want to have meaningful, emotional relationships with my brothers. Man up. I want to be weak sometimes. Man up. I want to be strong in a way that isn’t about physical power or dominance. Man up. I want to talk to my son about something other than sports. Man up. I want to be who I am. Man up.

10. No.

10 respuestas a la frase "No seas marica"/ "Sé un hombre"

1. Vete a la mierda

2. Si quieres cuestionar mi masculinidad, como un círculo de maldiciones en un patio de escuela, como una pelea de sables de luz hechos de erecciones, ahórrate el aliento. Porque contrario a lo que quizá creas, no todos los problemas se resuelven con "tener bolas". No puedes salir de la depresión con grandes músculos. Al director de la empresa de la que acabas de ser despedido no le importa cuantas pesas puedes cargar. Y te prometo que no hay suficiente cerveza en el universo para hacer que te ames a ti mismo. 

3. ¿Sé un hombre? Oh, eso es el nuevo superhéroe ¿no? El afable vendedor de suplementos alimenticios Marcos Machofuerte dice las palabras mágicas "sé un hombre", y se transforma en el hombre con la barba de tres días, los músculos super grandes, la voz ronca y profunda, vistiendo un la chaqueta de cuero, un super hombre que defiende al mundo de, no se, ¿sentimientos?

4. Claro. ¿Por qué luchar para remover nuestras cadenas cuando simplemente podemos comparararlas? ¿Por qué pararnos fuera de la caja, cuando la caja tiene esas estupendas calcomanias de flamas? Nosotros los hombres somos como cigarrillos: peligrosos, venenosos y estúpidos. 

5. ¿Alguna vez has notado como las mujeres no dicen "Sé una mujer"? Lo tienen implícito. Porque las mujeres y el movimiento feminista se dieron cuenta hace mucho que recibir ordenes directas de la publicidad, las revistas y la música es deshumanizante. ¿Cuándo nos daremos cuenta los hombres de ello?

6. La frase "no seas marica" sugiere que el ser competitivo y perseverante solo son características masculinas. Que las mujeres -sin olvidar mencionar a todos los hombres que no comen filetes, tienen una camioneta y se acuestan con muchas mujeres- no son más que personajes secundarios, recursos cómicos, utileria. Más que nada, sugiere que ser tu mismo -sea que uses pantalones pegados, o escuches a Lady Gaga, o uses un poco de delineador, o tomes una marca diferente de cerveza, o escribas poesía- te va a costar. 

7. ¿Cuántos chicos se tiene que suicidar antes de que este país reconozca el problema? ¿Cuántas mujeres tiene que ser atacadas? ¿Cuántas personas transgenero tienen que ser asesinadas? Les enseñamos a los chicos a usar la piel de hombre, pero también les enseñamos como izar esa piel como una bandera y extraer sangre con ella. 

8. Los bebés hombre tienen calcetines azules, las bebés mujeres tienen calcetines rosas. ¿Qué hay del púrpura? ¿Qué hay del naranja, el amarillo, el verde pálido, cerúleo, negro, teñido anudado, a cuadros, arco iris...? 

9. Quiero ser libre, expresarme. Sé un hombre. Quiero tener relaciones significativas y emocionales con mis hermanos. No seas marica. Quiero ser débil a veces. Sé un hombre. Quiero ser fuerte, de una manera que no sea el poder físico o la dominancia. No seas marica. Quiero hablar con mi hijo de otra cosa que no sean deportes. Sé un hombre. Quiero ser yo mismo. No seas marica. 
10. No

La traducción es mía. compartan esto con todo el mundo. La letras son lo único que puedo hacer ahora. #HeForShe

Mayo xx